List of health-care providers in the Heilsutrygd system

One of Heilsutrygd's main responsibilities is to organize most of the Faroese primary health-care system. This includes general practice (GP-doctors, family doctors).

Many other providers work under collective agreements or contracts with Heilsutrygd. This means that when a patient is referred by his doctor (GP) to receive treatment by another health-care provider, Heilsutrygd covers some or all of the expenses.

You can see a list of providers who operate in the Heilsutrygd system here:

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How to use the list of health-care providers

The list or overview has two drop-down sorting menus.

The menu on the right refers to occupations or fields of work. To be able to read and sort through the list, you will need to know some Faroese vocabulary:

Kommunulækni = General Practitioner
Serlækni = Specialist doctors
Kiropraktor = Chiropractor
Tannlækni = Dentist
Tannrøktari = Dental hygienist
Fysioterapeut = Physiotherapist
Ergoterapeut = Occupational therapist
Sálarfrøðingur = Psychologist
Fótterapeut = Podiatrist

The menu on the left is to sort the list geographically. In the primary health sector the Faroe Islands are divided into 9 areas called "læknadømi". 

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